Saturday, May 12, 2018

Spring Preparations,.... another words, Spending Money!

Well, as you have probably noticed on this blog we try to be proactive with our planning and maintenance on our camper and vehicles, and unfortunately this time one big item snuck up on us.  This winter I had the truck worked on preparing for the camping season which included new brake rotors, brake pads, and front brake calipers.  We had hoped that would be good for this year since the truck has been running well.  That is, till I went out to get the camper ready and was checking all the tires on the camper and then the truck.  This is what I found......
Cracking side walls and beginnings of dry-rot

The aged Bridgestones
 So, with two weeks to go before our first outing I made some phone calls to get some pricing and some recommendations from friends who have bigger trucks on what tire brands to consider.  Of course, we want something with good load rating and reviews too, so we ended up going with the Cooper Discover AT/3 tires,.... All FOUR of them.  Yea, felt that money getting sucked out of my wallet that is for sure!
The new Coopers!
Opening the camper and stocking it for our first trip went well and our camper survived the winter really well.  A few little odds and ends to clean and we were de-winterized and ready to plan our camping trip.  I'll have another post soon about some of our new camper goodies for this season.

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