Knoebels August Trip and a Surprise October return Trip!
A change of events this year allowed us to invite some new campers with us to Knoebel's, The Ciotti Family. Back in the day in a land not so far away, Bob and I shared an airplane and flew General Aviation for a few years together. Our daughters would help shovel out the plane in the winter and then we also had a few good flights together to various airports in the Mid-Atlantic area. They were able to come up for the weekend and have a good time at Knoebel's with us all.
The ROCKET SLIDE! A tradition every year! |
WEEEE!!!! |
Yup,... always Flyin,... |
They are trying to fly. The swings are a lot like paramotoring,... just not has high and awesome. |
Crushed Penny Scavenger Hunt on the Rainy Day! Lots of Fun! |
We almost filled our Book! 2015 We will have to finish it! |
Sunday already?.... Booo. |
And, what happens when the two wives see a sign for the Columbia County Covered Bridge festival and CRAFT Fair? Note,... CRAFT Fair,... well,... what happens is we (the guys) were told what sites were left and available for that weekend and that we would be coming back up.
So, after a great weekend with friends, we both left on our ways and headed home to get the kids ready for school the next day! But, we would be back....
In October, with the leaves changing and the cool fall air, it is great camping. We left early in the morning to get to the campsite before lunch in order to setup and have some time in the afternoon at the Craft Fair as a family before the hustle and bustle of the weekend began. Oh MY,... so many vendors and crafts available from not only the middle of PA, but also from back home in our area. Becky found a candle maker that was in our town and had some pretty good prices and wacky names for the candles.
Saturday was followed by more shopping by the ladies in the morning and Bob and I taking the kids to the park to ride the rides that were open and empty,... the kids could ride a lot this weekend until the later afternoon when things were picking up a bit. After a long day of shopping, the ladies were wearing out and had a good amount of items and nick-nacks in the van ready to go back to the campground. Back at the campground, we had another good night of fun and fellowship around the camp fire and then turned in for the night, knowing it was already going to be Sunday in the morning and we would be packing up.
This was such a nice vacation with them that we both ended up booking for the following August and October again together. But,.,.. that about ends the season for 2014.
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